Faber Toys - Version 2.6 Build 52
- List of all running processes
- List of all modules loaded by a process
- For each process are displayed the command line, PID, memory, number of threads, priority, version, description, Parent process
- For each module are displayed the date, size, ActiveX status, version, description
Possibility of
- Export in XHTML, HTML or TXT format the information related to all modules of a process
- Change priority of a process
- Kill a process (soft way - closing the windows - or hard way)
- Autorefresh Process List with custom interval
- Highlight Services (NT only)
- Show Properties
- Show deep information (see 'Examine File' section)
- Copy selected files path (normal or 8.3 DOS) in clipboard
- Copy files in clipboard or directly into a folder
- Copy path of all processes in clipboard
- Open the directory where the file is located
- Show details (Icon, Full Path, Description, if Running, Modified date) of every program launched at system startup
Possibility of
- Show Properties
- Delete / Restore items
- Go to specific registry key or startup directory
- Execute selected item
- If running, select relative process in Dependencies window
- Simple info (Date, Size, ActiveX status, Version, Description)
- PE analysis
- Image Info
- Sections
- Function Exported (decorated / undecorated)
- Imported Modules
- Function imported by others modules
- History of recent files
Possibility of
- Show Properties
- Export in XHTML, HTML or TXT format the informations
- Search for specific function
- List all System Alias with related Icon, Path, Description, Working Directory, Modified Date
- Invalid Aliases are shown in red (ready to be deleted)
- Unuseful Aliases (those who does not have a '.' in the name) are grayed
Possibility of
- Show Properties
- Edit, Delete, Add new Alias
- Run selected Alias
- Hierarchically view of all existing windows
Possibility of
- Filter to show only visible windows
- Read / Edit properties (hWnd, Class, Text, Visible, Enabled, Position, WindowState, Icon, Unicode status)
- Close window